The Ten Things Every Woman Must Have Realized at 25

Mommy & Maggie

You are at the point in your life where and when you feel that you are 100% an adult. You earn your own money, you support your family, you pay your bills (and have consistently done it on time), you clean your own apartment, you buy your own groceries, you create life-changing thoughts and decisions in your shower (or in the loo, your choice), you do your laundry, you (try to) manage your schedule (juggling work, family, love and recreation) and you are 25.

And then there are moments in being in this quarter of a century that you understand you are at least a little wiser than yesterday and so much more than 365 days ago. You’ve learned that:

1. Family is everything. This is something you’ve heard countless times from your parents and other grownups when you were just a few feet old but you’ve really learned its…

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Forget passion, curiosity is just as gratifying

You know what; if you don’t find your passion, follow your curiosity.  


Maybe some of you will identify with this post but I feel like I have just found the answer to my life. (Insert preacher voice, stumping of feet etc…..)

Back to business….

Fact! I am a jack of all trades. I am always trying something new.

There is a time I was deeply in love with the arts. Performing arts. I acted, I did poetry and I attempted to dance. I liked poetry the most out of those. That didn’t last. For some reason I couldn’t take to the stage anymore. I still write pieces but I cannot (Cannot is a strong word) but yes I just can’t perform.

Soon after, I began doing events. I was so deeply in love with doing events but they soon got a hold of me and that kind of sailed out of me.

I began so many other little gigs on the side but I always abandon them. But I must say all my little gigs were fulfilling. I made a coin or two and they all made me happy when they lasted.

I bet I did all this is in pursuit of passion and purpose. You know the deep and greater purpose things.

Truth, I am not a solo talent. I am not a great singer, dancer etc. I mean I am not one of those people that would say there is one particular thing I am passionate about or crazy about per se.

In this regard, I have always felt agitated inside, quizzing when ill find my passion and what it is. This makes you question every single thing that happens at work, good or bad.

But I stumbled upon something this morning that has totally gotten me home. Its probably put so much in perspective for me. Elizabeth Gilbert, Thank you!


Here goes… (My version)

For some of us we don’t have a passion per se. For some of us we are not madly passionate about a particular thing but you know what…We are all curious!

Follow your curiosity. Follow it until you get quenched. When you get quenched often in form of fatigue, find a new curiosity.

Some of us aren’t passionate about true love but we are curious about true love and good relationships thus follow the curiosity to where it leads.

Find your curiosity. Follow your curiosity

So to all my friends feeling a little lost more so in their careers. Trying so hard to find and follow your passion. I hope this finds you some peace. Just follow your curiosity.

If you don’t find your passion, follow your curiosity.



The Velcro experience aka sanitary pad

11.30 Pm

Logs onto to Facebook……….

Looks around… .

What’s on your mind? Hmmm

Honest answer…….

I am thinking, in a day when human beings are going to mars like it’s a trip down south. In a time when women are getting more powerful roles in Governments and institutions.

In a day when there are more women in science and innovation.

In this very day, I am wondering why no one has invented a sanitary pad that doesn’t sound llike vecro when coming off the wrapper or panty.

Can someone already invent a brand of sanitary towels called, silent or no noise pad? Please

P/S sitting in a cubicle waiting for the other person to leave so you can have your Velcro moment in peace isn’t cool at all.

P/S avoiding peoples’ houses during that time of the month because of the Velcro moment is sans cool.

Anyhow, I am offering to be a brand ambassador for the silent sanitary towel.

Also, is there a trick how to minimize the Velcro noise?



Hugs and Coffee Spills

Watch this first


Now here is a little story…..

A few weeks ago I went of whatsapp. I just couldnt manage anymore. There were too many keyboard relationships. Too much catching up but no emotions to the catch up. Also, too many group hangouts that I participated in in pure solitude (Irony)

Emojis repalced hugs, hanshakes, burst outs and plain old tear jerking moments. I value these.

I got exhausted. I still have my whatsapp but on a gadget I barely use. I only check once a day probably and I am happy.

For me whatsapp gave me a leeway to not be present and definitely gave me an excuse to not make time. Whatsapp in this case is represenative of all the instant messaging platforms and Social Media pages I am on that I havent let go yet.

All I am saying is,I wish the world gave more presence. Theres too much good perfume not being smelt because we barely hug anymore, emojis do it! Theres little coffee spills because we dont get shocked during coffee dates anymore, the startled emoji does it. 



Gonna get better :)

I have people around me going through some major stuff………..

I have someone who just lost their baby at 8 months of pregnancy this past week.

I have someone in the most emotionally abusive job.

I have someone going through some marriage issues and wants out, in just year one.

I have a couple of people struggling in their careers.

I have people who badly want babies. They’ve been trying for a while.

I have others planning for weddings and struggling with budgets and dreams etc.

The list goes on.

So here I am thinking, how I can be of help.

I can forward jobs to you, I can and will pray with you yes but I still feel shorthanded. How can I help these people further/better?

So in my thinking last night (I overthink issues before bedtime. Story for another day..) God spoke to me…furreal!!!

God said, I tell you, (Eeeerm.. Yes, God speaks to me, I think, despite the fact that… you know…I don’t fit the picture but oh well).. He said ………..He is aware. God said, He knows you are hurting and struggling. He knows.

To some of you, he is teaching you through your situation, he is almost done with the curriculum just be patient.

To some of you he is still building your next level, it is in final touches so just be patient. You shall move in soon.

With those few words, I promise you, it’s going to get better. I don’t make promises, but I promise you, It will get better, no matter the situation, it will get better.

Enjoy this song….




Sermon by Pastor Reed

Sermon to the Daystar Community, Athi River Campuscropped-ajenda-logo1
At the Daystar Compassion and Care Center chapel
Tuesday September 23rd, 2014

By Pastor Curtis Reed

SS6On September 23, 2014, Pastor Curtis Reed delivered a sermon to the Daystar University’s Compassion and Care Center on sexual addiction. Below is a loose transcript of the sermon. Although most of it has been kept verbatim to retain the oral flavor of the text, there are some instances in which I made structural adjustments to make the text read easier. A copy of the sermon in PDF can be downloaded here. Blessings, Wandia.

Good morning everybody.

I don’t want to spend much time; time is already far spent. I want to say a few introductory remarks. First is to thank the Daystar Compassion and Care Center.  And I want to thank Sister Susan and the rest of the Care community for inviting me to meet the…

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Plot 10- P1

I live in plot 10.

The coolest block I know, cool as in temperatures.

Meet, guy next door. He runs a fermentation lab in his apt. There is often a foul smell emanating from his house. Probably I should donate my freezer to him or introduce him to air freshener.

Meet, madam eyebrows across my house. This lady has a very light skin tone and goes out of her way to use very black eye pencil to draw a straight thick line across her face in place of her eyebrows. Now this lady can’t speak English. She is a granny living in a studio block of apartments whose majority occupants are students. She is always out on the corridor shouting for people to turn their music down, she can’t speak English but she knows the word volume so she be like ‘ Weeeeeee, bolume!!!’ then when she sees you aren’t hearing her she takes her mop and begins rattling the rail and hitting the metal bars until everyone is out of their house then points out at the person she want to turn the ‘bolume’ down. The Chinese guy at the corner and I are always in stifles. One day he said to her ‘glandmother, why you fight with baby, you move to a glandpeople apartment’

Meet, madam hilarious upstairs. She has outbursts. Her outbursts are dramatic but all so hilarious to me. She calls people out especially when high. The funniest thing to me is how she throws things out of her bedroom window when she can’t bear them. Her non operating DVD, Her shoes etc. Even more hilarious is one day whilst nursing her hangover she yelled at kids playing outside her bedroom window ‘If you scream at my window again, I will fry you’

Meet rich kid always high. This young man amazes me. Monday, 8am I am heading to work and young man is chilling by the watchmen’s drinking straight from a bottle of very expensive liquor with some more liquor in a paper bag. Like his thirst is so much he can’t even get to his house

Meet my watchman. One who can’t pronounce his name, his name is Frank but says frango. He is the coolest guy ever, if covering for cheating spouses is anything to go by.

Meet freaky short lady with dreadlocks who rides a bike and lives across the hall. Girl one day had me thinking she was being strangled only to be told it was noises marking happy times.

Met lady who cleans her own clothes at night downstairs singing catholic tunes at a pitch higher than Mariah Carey. This lass drives a nice fielder which always has catholic tunes playing at volume twedi five. What amazes me is how sharp her tone is and how loud she sings at 10pm oblivious of the time of night. Thank God for dramatic neighbors who always shout at her.

Met, lady right above me who I believe is fundi. This lady is always pounding something. What I hate the most is she decides to pound on the floor above my bedroom on Saturday at 7am. Can she also fix her bed, for someone who turns twenty times a night; a creaky bed isn’t your friend. Then again, my bed creaks too, I may need her to come and fix it.

Met very religious muslim guy who wakes up every day at 5 am to pray.

Finally meet glandmother number two who lives on the ground floor who prays loudly every day from 6 am-8pm. I must commend her though, the other day she was praying in my mother tongue and I heard her pray for our president asking God to hold his hand and lead Ole Lenku to deal with terrorists.. You would have thought she was praying about her kids. I was really touched.

Part 2 coming soon.


I miss you like crazy

God I have missed you. Miss you like you miss home the first year of high school.

Worse, I miss you liked I missed home cooked food when I was in high school.

I miss putting my thoughts to paper, in this case, an e-paper.

I miss story telling on this side.

I miss blogging! I just miss you dear blog!

Life has been on the fast lane. I love speed so I’ve definitely been having a fun ride. A lot of great stuff has happened. Lots of lessons and lots of crack my ribs up moments have happened as well. I can’t wait to share at least what I can recall.

I have so many stories to share that I don’t know where to begin, or haven’t known where to begin for the last couple of months.

I have read somewhere that when you want to do something you just need to take the first step and everything becomes easier; well this is my first step.

I hope you and I can pick up from where we left.

